What can you do against a winter low or winter depression?
In both winter depression and winter low, it is important to exercise, preferably in the fresh air. It's also important to eat healthy, not drink too much alcohol or coffee, and focus on the things that make you feel good and that you enjoy. Take a critical look at your purpose in life and make sure that, in addition to exercise, there is also enough relaxation and that there is not too much stress in your life. Make your house cozier and brighter and do fun things with friends.
If you suffer from winter depression, then the tips above may not be enough. If you think you are suffering from depression, always contact your doctor.
Light therapy
If you suffer from winter depression, light therapy is recommended. This involves sitting in front of a lamp for 45 minutes over several days. Light therapy is so successful because the cause of winter depression is partly caused by the change in light as the seasons change. Most people notice the effects of light therapy after just a week. In addition, a fixed daily structure or rhythm and exercise in the fresh air are important factors in combating winter depression.